Presenting Women4Growth

Women4Growth is a talent program that promotes gender equality by strengthening women in their professional activity. 

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Presenting Women4Growth

Women4Growth is a talent program that promotes Gender equality by strengthening women in their professional activity. The program consists of two workshops in which participants explore female inclusive business opportunities and how these can be approached by empowering Women in the company.

The goals of the program are to:

  • Enable talent growth and increase representation of Women in decision making
  • Improve female inclusion in the workplace
  • Co-create products and services that serve Women and boost company results.

Program history

Women4Growth was developed in 2014, the same year the Swedish government launched a feminist foreign policy.

Swedfund saw a need to strengthen the role of women in the workplace and to achieve inclusive growth. Since the program inception it has been conducted in a number of different countries and sectors throughout Swedfund’s portfolio.


Why Women4Growth?

Studies show that companies with a more equal representation of women and men in leading positions are more innovative, generate more growth and better results compared to less equal companies. So, in 2014 Women4Growth was developed to support Swedfund’s portfolio companies in their gender equality efforts and overall performance.

Why Women4Growth?

Studies show that companies with a more equal representation of women and men in leading positions are more innovative, generate more growth and better results compared to less equal companies. So, in 2014 Women4Growth was developed to support Swedfund’s portfolio companies in their gender equality efforts and overall performance.

  • Evidence show that gender-equal companies have higher growth rates and that equitable societies safeguards the resources and competence of every individual.
  • Companies with at least 30% women in top management show higher profitability and innovation.
  • Women representation in non-management, middle management and senior management show great disparities in Africa.
  • Women are the world’s most powerful consumers, and their impact on the economy is growing.

Outcomes for the Women4Growth program centre around three perspectives, aligned with Swedfund’s priority areas of Women’s Economic empowerment:

  • Equal leadership representation
  • Decent working conditions for all
  • Products & Services serving all client segments

Results are expected to support companies in their overall performance, by unlocking the full potential of their employees in a female inclusive work place, but also by expanding their business opportunities.

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Swedfund & Gender

Equal opportunities for women and men is a fundamental human right and a critical component of a sustainable future. Overcoming gender barriers enables access to untapped pools of talent and resources and is synonymous with economic growth - this makes it an essential enabler in the achievement of Agenda 2030 and Swedfund’s mission.

Swedfund & Gender

Gender is one of Swedfund’s core impact area. Gender equality is not only about fairness. A gender equal society makes the most of every individual’s resources and expertise. Gender equality is achieved when women and men, girls and boys have equal rights, equal conditions, equal opportunities and equal power to shape their own lives and influence society. Countries with gender equality have achieved more in relation to sustainable development, and companies which have gender equality have higher growth and a more comprehensive approach to sustainability. 

In Swedfund's Guiding notes, we describe our view and process for implementation of the key sustainability themes that are defined in Swedfund’s Policy for Sustainable Development and Anti-Corruption.

Below you find Swedfund's Guiding note on gender. The Guiding notes are updated regularly as we develop. We welcome stakeholder feedback to continuously improve our work.


Swedfund Guiding Note Gender Download